Friday, March 28, 2014

Mobile vs Desktop vs Literally Everything Else

I think this might end up being one of the biggest mistakes in segmentation in the history of the web. I think Brad Frost is pretty on point with his idea of mobile first. It also begs the question when we start to think about the universe that will soon exist with the "internet of things". What are you going to call it when your toaster is online? Your dresser? Your window frame or mirror? It's not mobile. It's not a desktop. It just is. It's on the internet.

The internet is ubiquitous. I don't think the segmentation of mobile vs desktop is going to be relevant in another few years. The same way that a website that exists today that isn't responsive is really just lazy, is the same way we will feel when Facebook isn't sized properly to our toasters browser window.

The internet is ubiquitous (think oxygen). Let's start thinking about it as such.

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